Complaints Process

If you have a complaint about the service that you have received or are receiving from FEAT, it is important that you feel able to let us know. We rely on improving and developing our service from your feedback. All complaints are treated fairly and promptly and without retribu3on.

You are welcome to have a trusted person to talk/write on your behalf or to help you through the complaint procedure. If you wish to see FEAT’s full complaints policy, just

Step 1 – Talk to your support worker

Discuss your complaint with your support worker either on the phone or during a home visit. Spend some 3me together to work through your complaint and agree on a solu3on that you both feel happy with.

If you do not feel happy with the solu3on that your support worker can offer or do not feel able to discuss your complaint with your support worker, proceed to the next step.

Step 2 – Talk to the Manager at FEAT

Phone or email FEAT  [email protected] and discuss your complaint with the Manager. They will either work with you to resolve your complaint or will follow the complaint up and get back to you with a proposed solu3on, within 7 working days.

If you do not feel happy with the Manager’s proposed solu3on or do not feel able to discuss your complaint with the Manager, proceed to step three of the complaints procedure.

Step 3 – Put your complaint in writng to the management commi>ee.

Put your complaint in wri3ng and address it to;
The Management CommiIee, FEAT, PO Box 1705 Thuringowa Central Townsville 4817. Ensure that you seal the envelope and mark it as ‘PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL’
The management commiIee will give a response to your complaint within 2 weeks.