Provide Effective Services
We will deliver high quality and innovative services through a consistent service delivery model that:
- Delivers Case Management that is client-centered and based on positive housing outcomes
- Provides support in a practical and non-therapeutic ways using a ‘strengths based’ approach.
- Provides well maintained property portfolio that is compliant with regulations
Grow through new collaborative opportunities.
We will seek new opportunities to effectively deliver homelessness services through partnering with others to provide a range of housing and support options.
Develop our people: driving for high performance
We will further develop and engage our people through:
- Encouraging high levels of performance and effectiveness of our people
- Ensure good working conditions, salary and maintaining a ‘family friendly’ focus.
- Investing in further training & development of staff in order to deliver our initiatives and strategic goals
- Developing a ‘FEAT Way’ and align all our people to our working culture
To advocate on behalf of homeless families for real change.
- Seek to influence policy by maintaining good working relationships with Government, funding bodies and politicians
- Actively participate by speaking out in forums, meetings and conferences that relate to homelessness, housing & families.
- Raise awareness within the community of issues around housing and homelessness by being involved in community action or events.
Strengthen our organisation, resource allocation and performance
We will improve our use of staff and other resources through:
- Ensuring our office facilities are of a high standard being family friendly and accessible to our client group
- Administration processes that are open and accountability in-line with best practice
- Ensuring a high standard of reporting and data compliance in all areas
- Maintaining a high standard of governance by ensuring that our processes open and accountable and that the FEAT Committee is effective
- Use feedback from stakeholders to improve services
Create a sustainable future for FEAT
- Build greater diversity of income from government by attracting other funding
- Develop partnerships with others in line with our mission